
Re-design of CSN Sign Language website

CSN sign language design CSN sign language design

Project information

  • Category: UX/UI Design of an active website
  • Course: User experience and interaction
  • Project date: Winter 2024

Sign Language pages of the website where you can apply for student loans (CSN a federal government website).
User access was more friendly and easier to use instead of having one page for multiple videos of multiple areas of information.
Created in Figma.
This project was also a group project that involved us using our skills we have learned in UX/UI. It was interesting for me to learn how to create multiple changes in a website (CSN) that we found was not very user-friendly.
I chose the sign language portion of the website because the one currently is just a large amount of videos on one page making it difficult to navigate.
The icons are used in the site to make it easier to understand.